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Canvas Accessibility

Canvas, the learning management system adopted for the California Community Colleges (CCC), serves as the framework for online education. Its inherent structure offers solid accessibility support, empowering faculty to create inclusive learning materials. To foster an inclusive and equitable learning environment, all content within the Canvas learning environment, including attachments, links, third-party materials, LTIs, and content created within the Canvas platform must adhere to accessibility best practices. By prioritizing accessibility in the creation and delivery of course materials, we enable students with diverse needs to engage fully with the instructional content.

CVC Canvas Resources

The California Virtual Campus (CVC) is a collaborative effort among California's Community Colleges to ensure that significantly more students can  complete their educational goals by increasing both access to and success in high-quality online courses. The CVC and @ONE offer numerous resources for developing, improving, and delivering effective online teaching and content development. 

Pope Tech Dashboards Tool

The Pope Tech Dashboards and Instructor Guide for the Canvas platform allows campuses to create more accessible courses and remediate existing ones. The Instructor Accessibility Guide reviews Canvas pages for potential accessibility errors and prompts content authors with changes to resolve issues. Accessibility Dashboards allows instructors to view the accessibility status of all their courses and gives administrators overall accessibility reports at the institution.

This tool is available at no cost to the CCC System. To learn more or to request access, please visit the Pope Tech Canvas Dashboards section of our Tools page.